Publish your knowledge

Publish your knowledge

You are an expert and you would like to share your business knowledge with other people? Here is our offer: Conmethos is a business publishing firm which develops management tools as books, e books and computer applications.

Our approach is to deliver practical knowledge to practitioners in companies as well as for education. Our focus is not to improve the scientific theory about operational problems, but to prepare step-by-step instructions for mastering challenges in the organisations.

Our solutions: Our Management Tools  – we call them “toolboxes” – are ready-to-use problem solvers for your computer. They come as a PDF file that is structured phase-by-phase and can be navigated like a web-based app­li­ca­tion. Dozens of embedded links lead on to corresponding tools, templates and techniques implemented as MS-Office® files. We also provide toolboxes converted to e Books and Books.

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